See How It's Made
Great Maple Syrup Recipes
BuckMountain Maple Syrup
About Us
Solar Powered Energy
Family Business
Owned and Operated by brothers Brad and Bruce
.....with help from Marley.
Buck Mountain Maple Syrup is a small, family owned business nestled in the heart of the Adirondacks.
All of our maple products are made using Solar Energy. We pride ourselves on harvesting the finest, pure maple syrup, while minimizing our carbon footprint. Stay Green!!
We started Buck Mountain Maple Syrup in 2012. Our uncle, Moe Gadway, has been making maple syrup for over 25 years. He inspired us to begin our 0wn maple operation. We started a small sugarbush, with only 800 taps in Crown Point, NY.
Prior to the start of Buck Mountain Maple Syrup, we produced our own maple syrup with our other two brothers, Jason and Eric, and our father Mark. Here, we learned the basics of tapping, gathering and sugar house activity.
We hope you enjoy our product as much as we enjoy making it!